Alison Munro Alison Munro

The Process of Building

I looked up into the branches of the beech tree above me…and I noticed a nest in it.

And then I noticed another one. And another, and then a fourth. The thing that really captured my attention was that each was at a different stage of being built or finished. Then I noticed that each of them was on the same side of the tree and I wondered what made that place a better nest-building environment. Perhaps it was a more sheltered place for the nurture of those precious eggs, a place less buffeted by the wind and rain.

The nest right above my head looked barely started and so I was able to clearly see the intricate placement and arrangement of twigs, the foundations, if you like, of the shape to come. As well as being moved by the beauty of its structure, I was profoundly moved by the care that had been taken, each twig looked placed with meticulous accuracy.

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